18 Apr

Signs your child is struggling with Internet addiction

When a child spends so much time on the internet, it can negatively affect them especially when they are not under supervision. If a child is addicted to the internet, they might skip meals, and homework or may not even want to spend time with family and friends.

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Studies have shown that even if the internet can be beneficial to children in various ways, there is an addiction lurking in the corners if they are not well monitored. If you want to know if your child has an internet dependence or addiction, here are some signs to watch out for.

They spend several hours on the internet

If a child is addicted to the internet, the first sign might be the number of hours they spend on the internet. They may spend so much time, that they will forget to do other things. If they have to attend to an urgent activity, they will return to the internet immediately after they’re done.

They experience withdrawal symptom

When a child has no access to the internet for some time, they experience withdrawal symptoms. Some of these symptoms are typical of what anyone would experience with other forms of addiction. They are irritability, fatigue, aggressiveness, sleep disorder, loss of appetite, etc.

Loss of interest in other activities

When internet addiction is in play, it would be difficult for the child to be interested in other activities. They may not engage in their hobbies as they use to because they spend so much time on the internet.

Inability to focus or concentrate when doing something else

Children with internet addiction might find it hard to concentrate or focus when they are on a particular task. The primary reason is that they are always preoccupied with thoughts on what they are missing out on.

Decreased performance in school

It might be difficult for them to keep up with their performance at school because of their addiction to the internet. Some of them might have mediocre scores in tests and assignments.