30 May

Internet Addiction in Young Adults

Internet addiction is an increasingly pervasive problem among young adults around the world. While its symptoms are much like those found in substance abuse, the disorder is believed to be rooted in the compulsive need to engage in activities and relationships on the internet or internet-enabled devices. Research shows that when unchecked, this dependency can lead to a host of serious physical, emotional, and social issues.

Generally, Internet addiction can overtake the life of a young adult, gradually stripping away their network of real-life relationships and obligations. As the behavioral disorder progresses, it can create depression, anxiety, isolation, and other forms of psychological distress. Further, Internet addiction can have physical effects, such as headaches, migraines, weight gain, and sleep deprivation in individuals.

Though addiction has been recognized as a distinct mental health issue since 1996, identifying the dangers associated with internet addiction in young adults and its potential consequences is still relatively new. As such, caution must be taken when trying to identify and treat those suffering from the disorder.

One of the best ways to protect young adults from spiraling into Internet addiction is to be aware of the telltale signs. Symptoms vary from individual to individual, however, people with Internet addiction often display a number of common behaviors.

For instance, increased withdrawal, especially from real-life activities like going to school, meeting with friends, or attending events, can signify an addiction to the internet. Other symptoms include constantly checking emails or social media sites, surfing the web mindlessly, online gaming for extended periods of time without regard for mounting consequences, and obsessing over false identities and avatars.

The best way to prevent an internet addiction from forming is for parents, guardians, and caregivers to monitor their young adults’ behavior and ensure appropriate internet usage. Setting clear boundaries and parameters is essential to good online behavior as placing explicit time restraints on an individual living with internet addiction can make them more aware of the real world around them.

Additionally, completely removing a young adult’s access to the internet in certain cases can be beneficial. Much like a drug addict is placed in a rehabilitation center to avoid triggers, a young adult with an internet addiction can be placed in an environment free from digital temptations. Regardless of the severity of the addiction, a period of digital detox or strict internet access control can go a long way towards helping a young adult rediscover socially appropriate behaviors.

Though an internet addiction is difficult to overcome, a combination of parental guidance, professional help, and digital accountability can significantly reduce the chances of developing dependency issues. By taking proactive steps to prevent the dangers of digital addiction in young adults, individuals can maximize the potential of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.